Library Friends
Library Friends is a membership service for individuals who are not present ICU students and staffs. Those who become Library Friends will be issued a library card, granting them access to the library and borrowing privileges.
Applications are open to individuals who meet one of the following criteria:
Alumni: Those who have graduated from the ICU College of Liberal Arts or completed a graduate program at ICU.
Family of Faculty/Staff: Family members of full-time ICU faculty or staff who are 18 years or older (limited to second-degree relatives living in the same household; high school students are not eligible).
Former Students: Those who were enrolled at ICU's College of Liberal Arts or graduate school for at least one year (requires recommendation from a full-time ICU faculty member).
Former Faculty/Staff: Those who were employed as full-time faculty or staff at ICU for at least one year.
Friends of ICU (FOI) Members
External Researchers: Individuals specially approved by the Library Director (e.g., external researchers recommended by a full-time ICU faculty member).
Partner Institution Faculty: Full-time teaching staff of Tokyo Union Theological Seminary, Japan Lutheran College and Toho Gakuen School of Music.
Annual Fee / Validity / Borrowing Limit and Period
The annual fee must be paid with a revenue stamp when receiving the card. Please note that the annual fee is non-refundable once paid.
Eligibility Categories 1–6
Annual Fee
2,000 yen
1 year (until the end of the same month in the following year from the application date)
Borrowing Limit
3 books
Borrowing Period
1 month
For those who fall under Eligibility Category 6 and wish to borrow up to 10 books
Annual Fee
6,000 yen
1 year (until the end of the same month in the following year from the application date)
Borrowing Period
10 books
Borrowing Period
1 month
For those who fall under Eligibility Category 7
Annual Fee
Until the end of the academic year
Borrowing Period
3 books
Borrowing Period
1 month
About the Library Card
Application Process
For those in Eligibility Categories 1, 4, and 5
New Application
Please fill out the required information in the application form and submit it.
Visit the library after the designated date for receiving new cards. Borrowing privileges will be available after receiving the library card.
Renewal Application
During the term (weekdays): For those who complete the form submission and return their old library card to the counter between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, the new card will be issued, and borrowing privileges will be available on the same day.
Saturdays: Renewals are only available for those who have consulted with the library in advance.
For those in Eligibility Categories 2, 3, and 6
New Application
Please print this document, have your guarantor sign it, fill in the required information, and upload the scanned data via the application form.
Visit the library after the designated date for receiving new cards. Borrowing privileges will be available after receiving the library user card.
Renewal Application
During the term (weekdays): For those who complete the form submission and return their old library card to the counter between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, the new card will be issued, and borrowing privileges will be available on the same day.
Saturdays: Renewals are only available for those who have consulted with the library in advance.
Important Notes for Applications
Guarantors must be full-time faculty members currently employed at ICU.
For those in Eligibility Category 2 (Family of Faculty/Staff), the family member who is a faculty/staff member must act as the guarantor.
For those in Eligibility Categories 3 (Former Students) and 6 (External Researchers), a guarantor’s signature is required only for the initial application.
Card Issuance Dates
Applications received during the term on weekdays
New Card Issuance Date
The card will be available for pickup after 2:00 PM on the next business day the library is open (pickup available until 7:30 PM).
Note: Those wishing to pick up their card on Saturday must apply by Thursday.
Renewal Card Issuance Date
For those who complete the form submission and return their old library card to the counter by 4:30 PM, the new card will be returned on the same day (pickup available until 7:30 PM).
Applications received during the term on Saturdays
New Card Issuance Date
The card will be available for pickup after 2:00 PM on the next business day the library is open (pickup available until 7:30 PM).
Renewal Card Issuance Date
Renewals on Saturdays are only available for those who have consulted with the library in advance.
Applications received outside of term time
New Card Issuance Date
The card will be available for pickup after 2:00 PM on the next business day the library is open (pickup available until 4:30 PM).
Note: If the next business day falls during the term, pickup will be available until 7:30 PM.
At the time of card pickup, please provide payment for the annual fee and present an identification document that can verify your identity (e.g., driver’s license, passport, or health insurance card).
For those in Eligibility Category 5 (Friends of ICU = FOI), please also present your FOI card.
For those in Eligibility Category 7 (Partner Institution Faculty), please present your faculty/staff ID from your affiliated university.
Important Notes
Overdue Items: Please note that you cannot borrow new items if you have overdue books.
Loan Renewals: There are no restrictions on renewing books that do not have reservations. However, if another user reserves the book, please make sure to return it by the due date. For the first renewal only, you can update the loan online by clicking the "Renew" button in MyLibrary.
Exchanging Borrowed Books: If you wish to return borrowed books and increase the number of new books you can borrow, please bring the books to the counter during the service hours of the Document Supply Center. For details on service hours, please check this page.
Scope of Use
ILL services and the issuance of referral letters for other libraries are not available.
Photocopy services are available at cost (copying fees and postage).
Facilities in the Othmer Library, except for O's Cafe, are not available for use.
Visitor Chromebook
Chromebooks are available for database searches and viewing.
Loan Location
Document Supply Center, 1st Floor, Main Library
Databases Available for Visitors
The following databases are available for use within the library only. Please note that other databases cannot be accessed due to contractual and operational restrictions. Thank you for your understanding.
Academic Video Online (AVON)
ACM Digital Library
APA PsycArticles [ProQuest]
APA PsycInfo [ProQuest]
APS Journals
Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940, Part I and II
ATLA Religion Database [EBSCOhost]
Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH)
Bloomsbury Collections
Cambridge Higher Education
Cambridge Journals Online
Communication & Mass Media Complete [EBSCOhost]
Coronavirus Research Database [ProQuest]
Early American Imprints I:Evans (NII-REO Humanities & Social Sciences Collection)
Early English Books Online(EEBO)[ProQuest]
EBSCOhost eBook Collection
EconLit [ProQuest]
18th, 19th, 20th HCPP, ECCO, EEBO (NII-REO Humanities & Social Sciences Collection)
ERIC [ProQuest]
Gale eBooks(旧Gale Virtual Reference Library)
GreenFILE [EBSCOhost]
Hein Online
ジャパンナレッジLib (Japanknowledge Lib)
Kenkyusha Online Dictionary
Library and Information Science
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts [EBSCOhost]
Literature Online (LION) [ProQuest]
Loeb Classical Library
毎日新聞 毎索
Maruzen eBook Library
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
MEDLINE [ProQuest]
MLA Directory of Periodicals [EBSCOhost]
MLA International Bibliography [EBSCOhost]
NAXOS Music Library
NBER Working Papers
New York Times(1851-2009) [ProQuest]
New York Times(1980-現在) [ProQuest]
Oxford Bibliographies Online
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
Oxford English Dictionary
Oxford Journals
Oxford Reference Online Premium Collection
Oxford Scholarship Online
Oxford Very Short Introductions
Philosopher's Index [ProQuest]
ProQuest Central
ProQuest Ebook Central
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) Global
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851 - 2021) [ProQuest]
PsycARTICLES [ProQuest]
PsycINFO [ProQuest]
PTSDpubs [ProQuest]
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online
SAGE Journals
SAGE Knowledge
Sociological Abstracts [ProQuest]
Taylor & Francis
Taylor & Francis E-books
The Times Literary Supplement; Historical Archive 1902-2010. (TLS)
Web OYA-Bunko
Wiley Online Library
読売新聞 ヨミダス