Borrowing & Returning by Mail

We provide book lending and return services via delivery/mail for students who have difficulty visiting the library.

Home Delivery Service


Undergraduate students (all students) and graduate students (Master's and Doctoral programs) enrolled at ICU 

Borrowing rules

How to apply

Please access the application form via the link below.

Home Delivery Service Application Form for Students

Upon completing your application, an email with the subject line "【郵送】申し込み完了 Thank you for Application"  will be sent.
If you do not receive the email, please check your spam folder.


Please confirm in advance via OPAC that the book is available for borrowing from the ICU Library. For materials available as e-books, please use the e-books accessible from home.


Database List

Returning books via delivery/mail

If it is difficult for you to return books directly to the library due to certain circumstances, we accept book returns via courier or postal services. Please send the books to the address below.

Document Supply Center

International Christian University Library

3-10-2, Osawa, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo 181-8585, Japan