Ayako Horiuchi Memorial Book Fund

About Ayako Horiuchi Memorial Book Fund

On May 2, 2005, Ms. Ayako Horiuchi, a third-year student in the Division of International Studies, passed away suddenly due to acute subarachnoid hemorrhage. 

Having received her early education in the United Kingdom and Italy, Ms. Horiuchi majored in International Relations at ICU. Alongside her studies, she pursued a broad range of academic interests and intellectual endeavors with her peers, and she aspired to work for UNESCO in the future. This tragic event occurred right in the midst of her fulfilling student life at ICU, just over a month after her parents returned to Japan from their long-term stay in France.

Her father, Professor Toshihiro Horiuchi (of Waseda University's School of Political Science and Economics), as an educator and in memory of Ayako's academic dreams, donated 10 million yen to Friends of ICU for the purpose of supporting book purchases for ICU students. In accordance with the wishes of the bereaved family, the university established the "Ayako Horiuchi Memorial Book Fund." Starting in April 2006, the university began soliciting book purchase requests from students and, with an annual budget of approximately 500,000 yen, selects books to be acquired through the library. (Excerpt from ICU Gakuhō, March 2006, Issue No. 17)

How to Apply for Book Purchases through the Ayako Horiuchi Memorial Book Fund

Log in to MyLibrary and use the form titled “Book Purchase Request (Ayako Horiuchi Memorial Book Fund: For Students).”


List of Books Purchased through the Ayako Horiuchi Memorial Book Fund

This is a list of books purchased and provided through the Ayako Horiuchi Memorial Book Fund to date.