Newspaper Title List

The newspapers that the ICU Library subscribes to

The Asahi Shimbun

Original Papers

Reduced-sized Editions

The Sankei Shimbun

Original Papers

The Tokyo Shimbun

Original Papers

The Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Original Papers

Reduced-sized Editions

The Mainichi Shimbun

Original Papers

Reduced-sized Editions


The Yomiuri Shimbun

Original Papers

Reduced-sized Editions

The Christian Shimbun

Original Papers

The Catholic Shimbun

Original Papers

The Weekly Dokushojin

Original Papers

The Tosho Shimbun

Original Papers

Reduced-sized Editions

Japan Times

Original Papers

Reduced-sized Editions


The New York Times

Original Papers



The New York Times [International Edition] 

*Bound together with The Japan Times. 

Original Papers

The Dong-A Ilbo

Original Papers

Out-of-print and reprinted newspapers

1. Shakaishugi Kenkyu

2. Sekki

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

1. The Tokyo Asahi Shimbun

2. The Asahi Shimbun

3. The Asahi Shimbun Overseas Edition

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints


The Uruma Shimpo

Refer to the Ryukyu Shimpo.

The Sunday Amami

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

Sho Nihon

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

Shin Kobe

Refer to the Rodosha Shimbun.

Jiji Shimpo

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

Shakaishugi Kenkyu

Refer to the Sekki.

Jiyu Shimbun


The Chugai Nippo


Choya Shimbun

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

The Taiwan-minpo

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints


Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

Tokyo Akebono Shimbun

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

Tokyo Asahi Shimbun

Toyo Jiyu Shimbun

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

Topaz Times

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

Tosho Shimbun

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

The Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

Nihon Dokusho Shimbun

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

The New York Nichibei

Hokubei Shimpo (The New York Nichibei)

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

1. The Yokohama Mainichi Shimbun

2. The Tokyo Yokohama Mainichi Shimbun

3. The Mainichi Shimbun

4. The Mainichi Shimbun

5. The Tokyo Nichinichi Shimbun

6. The Tokyo Nichinichi Shimbun

7. The Tokyo Mainichi Shimbun

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

1. 1870-1879

2. 1879-1886

3. 1886-1896 [071/Y75]

4. 1952-1959, 1960- 

5. 1872-1877 [f 071/To46]


6. 1872-1943

7. 1944-1951 [M 071/Ma315]

Manira Shimbun

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

Miyako Shimbun

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

Minzoku Toitsu Shimbun

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

The Yubin Hochi Newspaper

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

The Utah Nippo

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

The Yomiuri Shimbun

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

Yorozu Choho


1. The Uruma Shimpo

2. The Ryukyu Shimpo

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

1. Shin Kobe

2. The Rodosha Shimbun

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

1. The Japan Times

2. The Japan Times & Mail

3. The Japan Times & Advertiser

4. The Nippon Times

5. The Japan Times

Original Papers

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints


[M 073/J24]

The Japan Weekly Mail

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

1. The Osaka Mainichi / English Daily Ed.

2. The Osaka Mainichi & The Tokyo Nichi-nichi

3. The Mainichi

4. The Mainichi Daily News

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

1. California Star

2. Daily Alta California


Kobe Adviser and Shipping Register

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

The New York Times

Original Papers



The Times

Original Papers

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

1. Asian Wall Street Journal

2. The Wall Street Journal

Original Papers


2. 1974-1990 [M 073/W366]


Jinmin Nippo

Original Papers


Toa Nippo

Original Papers

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

Out-of-Print/Reprinted Newspapers - Compiled Edition List

Kasutori Shimbun

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

Newspaper Titles Included in the Compiled Edition

1. Kirisutokyo Shinbun Kiji Soran

2. Kindai Nihon Kirisutokyo Shinbun Shusei

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

1. 1875-1944 [Bibl 190.31/Ki54]


2. 1875-1944 [M 190.5/Ki42]

Newspaper Titles Included in the Compiled Edition

Kirisutokyo shinbun kiji soran

Kindai Nihon Kirisutokyo Shinbun Shusei

Nihon Shoki Shinbun Zenshu

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

Newspaper Titles Included in the Compiled Edition

Bakumatsu Meiji Shinbun Zenshu

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

Newspaper Titles Included in the Compiled Edition

Meiji Shakai Shugi Shiryoshu

Reduced-sized Editions, Reprints

Newspaper Titles Included in the Compiled Edition